Presentation Skills |
Presentations: How to Deliver Your Message with Power, Punch, and
by Diane DiResta
Everything you need to know and do to be an effective speaker and
presenter is included in this readable, user-friendly guide. |
and Clear: How to Prepare and Deliver Effective Business and Technical
by George L. Morrisey, Thomas H. Sechrest, and Wendy B. Warman
Follow the six steps to prepare your presentation, understand how
to develop it through visuals and support materials, and learn techniques
for effective delivery of your message. |
Never Be Boring Again: Make Your Business Presentations Capture Attention, Inspire Action, and Produce Results
by Doug Stevenson
Uses the author's story theater method to help create dynamic and compelling presentations. |
TED: Ideas Worth Spreading
View presentations on an array of topics by famous and lesser-known speakers. Choose from "most emailed" to those that are "funny," "informative," "fascinating," and more. Narrow your search by topics of interest such as technology, entertainment, business, and design. |
The Exceptional Presenter Goes Virtual
by Timothy J. Kogel
Teleconferences, webinars, and virtually meetings are the norm in today's global business environment. This resource provides valuable information and tips on how
to sequence and deliver your message and keep everyone engaged. |
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