American English Pronunciation |
Accent Training
by Ann Cook
This text and five audio CD package is a comprehensive self-study
training program for individuals who want to speak American English. |
by English Talk Shop, LLC.
You can customize this CD-ROM software by first language. It addresses consonant sounds, vowel sounds, stress, intonation, linking, word endings, casual speech, and more-all with a record and playback feature. Available in Professional, Personal, Healthcare, and Academic Versions. May be ordered directly through English That Works. |
for Success
by Colleen Meyers and Sheryl Holt
This text and 3 audio CD package covers all the pronunciation areas
important for comprehensible speech. Video tapes or DVDs with lessons
demonstrating the program’s techniques are also available. |
Pronunciation in American English
by Kathy Hans
This 68 lesson CD-Rom program focuses on the stress, intonation, and
rhythm of American English. Features include record and playback opportunities
and a printable workbook. |
Pronunciation Power 1 and 2
All 52 American English Sounds and their proper lip and tongue position are included in this CD-Rom program. |
Phonetics Flash Animation Project
Learn and practice the vowel and consonant sounds of American English with animated diagrams, step by step descriptions, audio, and video. |
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